Abortion is subject widely discussed in Australia. While freedom of speech is a freedom that all Australians have, there is a wide chasm between the Pro-Life and the Pro-Choice lobbies.
With the global decline in Christian values, the average Australian derives the following arguements for Abortion. Putting aside feminist views or political agendas, intelligent albiet uneducated arguements remain.
With the global decline in Christian values, the average Australian derives the following arguements for Abortion. Putting aside feminist views or political agendas, intelligent albiet uneducated arguements remain.
An essentially ‘feminist’ argument, namely that the mother has total sovereign rights over the use, abuse or action of her body, including whether the child of her womb may live or die.
The child was not planned or desired, is not ‘wanted’ by the mother, and will not be loved.
An argument from eugenics; that if the child is deemed ‘imperfect’ or defective in some way by the parents, it may be killed.
Again, the child is an added burden to a mother in difficulty and should be killed to ease this.
The timing of the pregnancy is not agreeable to the parents, who may be otherwise married and/or stable.
And hence reduction methods such as abortion should be encouraged. An ‘altruistic’ argument purporting to be considering the common good of all humanity.
And hence has no rights and its death is not murder. An attempt to argue for the legality of abortion from some modern philosophical thinkers, such as Professor Peter Singer, who give novel arguments for the definition of ‘person’. Singer argues many animals have more of a right to life than humans in the early stages of development.
Abortion is now legal in all jurisdictions of Australia with some restrictions depending on the laws of the state or territory.
Abortion is legal and can be performed by a registered medical practitioner including a nurse. The Health Minister can set 50 metre exclusion zones for protests.
New South Wales
Abortions can be performed at up to 22 weeks. After 22 weeks the approval of two doctors is required. 150 metre exclusion zones apply around abortion clinics.
Northern Territory
An abortion can be approved and performed by one doctor at up to 14 weeks. The approval of a second doctor is required for an abortion to take place between 14 and 23 weeks. After 23 weeks, an abortion can only be performed if the woman’s life is at risk. 150 metre exclusion zones apply around abortion clinics.
Abortions can be performed at up to 22 weeks. The approval of two doctors is required for an abortion after 22 weeks. 150 metre exclusion zones apply around abortion clinics.
South Australia
An abortion can only be performed if two doctors agree the health or mental wellbeing of the woman is at risk or the baby has a serious abnormality. 150 metre exclusion zones apply around abortion clinics.
Abortions can be performed at up to 16 weeks. The approval of two doctors is required for an abortion after16 weeks. 150 metre exclusion zones apply around abortion clinics.
Abortions can be performed at up to 24 weeks. The approval of two doctors is required for abortions after 24 weeks. 150 metre exclusion zones apply around abortion clinics.
Western Australia
Abortions can be performed at up to 20 weeks but are very restricted after 20 weeks.150 metre exclusion zones apply around abortion clinics.
Information on state laws from: https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/abortion
As it is not innocent! A curious claim often made in cases of unwanted pregnancy through rape.
All the arguments favouring abortion are essentially humanist and whose principles redefine established terms such as person, rights, and “common good” along humanist lines. The great danger in applying these principles to society is that the terms and hence laws, are open to constant reinterpretation based on no certain principle which can successfully safeguard the human rights of all members of society. That all human persons are equal in nature and hence in legal and moral rights, is surely the only secure foundation on which to build a safe and just society. Adding exceptions to the basic right of all to life has proven dangerous in many societies: the Nazi’s exempted numerous groups from their list of persons, and these persons lost all legal standing. Other acknowledged tyrannies have done the same. One of the exemptions in our society currently is the pre-born, whose rights are now conditional. Gulags and concentration camps are and were full of people who have been declared by the state to be ‘non-persons’.
The denial of true rights to even one member of society threatens the right of all persons in that society, as there are no inviolable rights for anyone. Abortion, for no matter what the reason, is always a violation of the most basic of human rights – that is, the right to life. If a mother has difficulties, a civilised society must offer assistance which respects the rights of all concerned. Providing stronger deterrents and punishments for rape would be one thing worth considering.
Not one of the arguments favouring abortion, no matter how reasonable they may sound, affirms the existence of the basic and universal right to life for all based on a common human nature. Hence, we cannot proceed from their principles to create just law. The so-called ‘hard’ cases, where the mother’s life may be endangered by the continued pregnancy, are also no true argument for granting an exception, as both lives must be protected, not only the mothers: “Hard cases make bad laws.”