Many of you have read many of Kathy Clubb’s articles on our website, via email or in Lifelines. Currently Kathy is in Rome representing FLI at the LifeSite News sponsored “Rome Life Forum.” Kathy is also a Director of Family Life International so represents us officially and has been given status there as a journalist which will give her access to some of the speakers including Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Bishop Joseph Strickland and John Henry Westen of LifeSite News.

The following Press Release has been circulated to all accredited media attending this conference and so we are able to circulate to you our supporters.


Faithful Catholics resist the
anti-Christian agenda coming from the Vatican

On October 30, Catholic leaders will present to the media condemnations of the Synod on Synodality’s departure from the teachings of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Holy Scriptures.

ROME (LifeSiteNews) — African Catholic leaders from Uganda and Kenya are joining with LifeSiteNews and America’s best-known traditional Catholic Michael Matt, as well as traditional Catholic activists from around the world, in condemning the Synod on Synodality’s departure from the teachings of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Holy Scriptures.

Since 2013, the attempt to weaken Church doctrine on life, faith, family and the human person has shocked and angered faithful Catholics. Battered by endless scandals concerning clerical sexual – particularly homosexual – misconduct, they will not accept the Synod on Synodality’s betrayal of Our Lord’s teachings regarding marriage, which countless Catholic martyrs have defended at the cost of their lives.

Neither will they accept the attempts of corrupt clergymen to overthrow ancient teachings against unnatural sexual acts. Faithful Catholics profess that any “love” that entices men and women to serious sin and their eventual damnation is not love at all.

St. Paul clearly stated in a pastoral letter to the Christian community in the diverse and sexually uninhibited city of Corinth that the following could not enter the Kingdom of Heaven: “Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers—none of these will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6: 9-10).

LifeSiteNews invites the media of the Church and the world to a press conference
at the Augustinianum on October 30. The press conference will be in English.

The following Catholic leaders from around the world will make short presentations and be available for media questions:

Ugandan Member of Parliament Hon. Lucy Akello

Alice Muchiri, the Head of Secretariat of Kenya’s Catholic MPs Spiritual Support Initiative

Michael Matt, editor of the English-speaking world’s foremost traditional Catholic newspaper, The Remnant

French Catholic activist and journalist Jeanne Smits

U.S. clergy abuse victims’ advocate Elizabeth Yore

U.K. Barrister and Catholic author James Bogle

LifeSiteNews co-founder and CEO John-Henry Westen from Canada


Press conference information:

Date: 30 October 2023

Location: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum (Aula Minor), Via Paolo VI, 25 – 00193 Roma

TEL: 06 6800 6398

Time: 10:00 to 12:00

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